2016, Day Two: Party Time

The big event today was a party at Laura and Chris’s house in the evening. They were visiting from China for the holidays and had some people over. The Doughty’s were there with Olivia, who is a week younger than the boy, and the Finfer’s were there with Hannah, who is not yet two. He was shy at first, and gave Hannah a “no kissing” brush off when she went in for one, but after some cake and cookies, he warmed up and started running around the house with Olivia, petting Polo, a super fat weiner dog, and talking to just about anyone. He also really enjoyed pushing the button on the “robot” (a, for him, life sized Storm Trooper figure that talked) and pretending he was a dog. Oh, and there was a lot of door opening and closing. A lot. From both him and Olivia. It seems to be a thing with their age.

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