First Day of Fall (Clothes)
First Dental Cleaning with “The Pick”
November 3rd was his 3rd trip to the dentist, and the first time they did a full cleaning with the pick and everything. He handled it like a champ while watching DinoTrux on the ceiling TV.
Halloween 2016
Halloween was on a Monday this year and I was out of town for work, so we went to his school’s Trunk or Treat event the Thursday before so I could have the opportunity to see him in his ghost outfit (he picked out what he wanted to be) and go around with him collecting treats. It was pretty fun and he was adorable and excited.
His Norris grandparents came up on Halloween, and Elaine sent me a video of the candy aftermath.
This is a test post from my iPhone using the WP share option directly from Photos, and an adorable picture of the boy from his current favorite park this Sunday.
Pre-Birthday School Party
Nate’s 3rd birthday is tomorrow, a Saturday, so he had a little party at school today. I put together some animal themed gift bags with stickers, stamps, masks, bubbles, etc., and got some mini cupcakes from Cupprimo. His best friend Ishan was there. They’ll both be moving up a grade next week.
Big Boy Bed
After he chose to sleep on the floor for a couple of nights we figured he was ready to move up from the crib, so on Monday, July 4th we took a trip to Ikea and purchased a big boy bed. It’s pretty awesome.
He sleeps up top under the tent.
And reads stories underneath lit by stars.
He’s been so excited that ever since we got it it takes him an extra hour or so to go to sleep at night.