Author Archives: Dad
Slept in his own bed last night.
Science Fair
Post Christmas Taco Time
Advent Calendars, Day 3
Lego: Smiling Curling Guy Bonne Maman: Strawberry – Wild Strawberry E: This seems like a stretch. Me: Tastes like strawberry. The Boy: I don’t really like this one.
Advent Calendars, Day 2
LEGO The LEGO build today was a snowball catapult. The boy thought it was pretty cool. Bonne Maman The jam today was an Orange-Mandarin Spread. This was like an orange marmalade but less bitter. The boy’s verdict: This is pretty good!
Advent Calendars, Day 1
We got Lego and Bonne Maman advent calendars this year. Lego Tiny snowplow. Bonne Maman Cherry Blackberry Spread. Mainly just tasted sweet to us, but saved by a bit of cherry tartness in the finish. Boy verdict: I really like it!
Houston Trip
Halloween 2019
This year The Boy wanted to be Harry Potter and a mailbox. (his inspiration) We bought the Potter (which was super cute) and his mom made the mailbox (which was amazing.) Here’s a little early walking action. We mostly carried it from house to house, setting it up on the porch before knocking on the […]