So he’s still easily tired and sleeps half the day, but modern medicine is amazing. He was “19th century call the priest” sick 2 days ago, and now we are trying to get him to take it easy.
Nate went to school this morning, but about 3 hours later we got the call that he had a fever and chills. When Elaine picked him up he was throwing up and couldn’t keep anything down. At the doctor later they tested him for flu and strep, and he was positive for both.
The rest of the day mostly consisted of fitful sleeping, vomiting, crying and sweating, though once we got some anti-nausea medication in him things got a little better. In addition to that he is also on antibiotics for the strep and tamiflu for the flu. Hopefully tomorrow sees a little improvement.
Peacemaker Pencil
Nate was Peacemaker of the Week, which comes with a pencil and his picture on a board. I’ll add that later.
First Purchase
He had $1.35 that he found around the house and decided he wanted to buy a hot wheels car. He was almost as excited to get the receipt and change as he was to get the car. It was adorable.
Sleeping in His Own Bed
Preparing Valentines
In an effort to move away from social media I’ll be incorporating any boy related content from there into this page over the next few… days? Weeks? Months? I’ll be adding these items as of the day there were originally posted, so there will be a bunch of stuff popping up in the past.
Science Project
Last Sunday we all performed a science experiment: Does the temperature of the toy pig effect the distance that the ball is shot?
cold hot measurement assembly review
Yesterday I went to school to see Nate’s experiment on display.

owwmyheart. I could not be more proud.

And afterwards we went to the park to chase birds and eat cookies.

So. Many. LEGO.