April, 20 Months Old

Here’s a few pictures of The Boy from April. This month has seen what I think is the biggest leap in his verbal skills yet. Besides the basic Hi, Bye, Yes, No, and Thanks he also says “Oh wow” when you give him something he likes, and is on a naming kick where he will point and name. Tree, Bird, Bee, etc.

And a video.

Under the Weather

Bubba woke up last night with a 104 degree fever, and has slept most of the morning. He’s awake now, down to 99, and wanting to play with my camera.

Zilker Botanical Garden

Sunday afternoon at the Zilker Botanical Garden with his sister.

First Day of Daycare

Molly started at the Aveda Institute this morning on a Thursday-Friday-Saturday schedule, so Nate had his first day of daycare this morning. I dropped him off at Bright Horizons on Braker at 9:00am and he loved it, right up until I tried to leave. He cried and tried to get me to pick him up, so I gave him a hug and a kiss and got out of there. Samantha (his teacher) swooped in and distracted him with books, and based on a status call Elaine made later he is doing great, sitting at the lunch table eating and playing with the other kids. I, on the other hand, am having a pretty distracted workday.

Evening Edit:
Here he is when I picked him up. Seems like he had a fine time.



August was much calmer than July, and involved many visits to the neighborhood pool. There was a lot of eating different foods, a birthday party with grandparents, and a tiny chocolate bundt cake on his birthday.


On the night of Monday the 21st Nate couldn’t sleep. It wasn’t unusual for him to wake up and cry, so the first few times it happened we calmed him down and left him to go back to sleep. His cries started sounding weird though, less pissed off and more scared, so I eventually stayed with him to rock him back to sleep. I was standing and swaying with him when he had the first seizure. He arched his back away from me and his head and arms were flung backwards as they started to spasm. It passed in seconds, then he started screaming. I initially thought a bug had crawled in his clothing or he had a hair tourniquet cutting into him somewhere, so I rushed him to our bedroom, laid him on the bed and started undressing him. Then he had another seizure.

10 minutes later we were walking into the Dell Children’s ER, and 3 days later we were leaving the hospital with a diagnosis of epilepsy. I’m writing all this many months later, so I can report he has responded really well to medication, which he takes twice a day, and hasn’t had a seizure since.

Catching up…

It’s been a little over 4 months since I posted here last. I was considering adding multiple posts and backdating them to create the appearance of continuity, but have instead decided to create one post for each month we’ve missed until we’re all caught up. Things started to get behind in July, so that’s where we’ll start…

A Few Pictures

10 Months Old!

Wow, that happened fast. He eats solid food, prefers to feed himself, pulls himself up and walks along the furniture, throws things, and probably 30 other things I’m forgetting at the moment.

Here he is crawling around at my work today.