The past week has been a busy one as he has sprouted two teeth and started crawling. The crawling started in earnest about two days ago, and in that time he has gone from being able to move a “step” or two to being able to traverse the entire living room. When he hits an obstacle he tries to pull himself up on it, but he hasn’t quite mastered that yet.
March Pictures
- Visiting with Sister – 03/11
- Visiting with Sister – 03/11
- Visiting with Sister – 03/11
- Visiting with Sister – 03/11
- Box at UT – 03/12
- Visiting with Sister – 03/15
- Smiley – 03/16
- Well Hello There – 03/17
- Thinking – 03/18
- LBJ Ranch – 03/22
- LBJ Ranch – 03/22
- LBJ Ranch – 03/22
- Grandparents – 03/22
- Exotic Animal Farm – 03/22
- Exotic Animal Farm – 03/22
- Exotic Animal Farm – 03/22
- Exotic Animal Farm – 03/22
- Exotic Animal Farm – 03/22
- Exotic Animal Farm – 03/22
- Exotic Animal Farm – 03/22
- Exotic Animal Farm – 03/22
- Exotic Animal Farm – 03/22
- Exotic Animal Farm – 03/22
- Fancy Boy – 03/26
- Angry Face Rash – 03/26
- Goofy – 03/28
- Goofy – 03/28
- Selfie with Dad – 03/28
- Dad and Son Lunch @ Black Star – 03/29
- Unsure about the Swing – 03/29
- Stripes – 03/31
- Stripes – 03/31
Sunday Naptime
- Napping…
- Waking…
(Mostly) February Pictures
- “Eating” Rice Cereal – 01/31
- “Eating” Rice Cereal – 01/31
- Happy Boy – 02/01
- Watching Mom Eat – 02/01
- Baby Longhorn – 02/02
- Goofy – 02/05
- Penguin Jammies – 02/16
- “Eating” Peas – 02/19
- Sitting Up – 02/21
- Car Sleeping – 02/22
- Sitting Up – 02/24
- Holding Bottle – 02/27
- Holding Bottle – 02/27
- Melon Head – 02/27
- Melon Head – 02/27
- Sentient – 03/01
- Look at all my toys – 03/02
- Look at all my toys – 03/02
6 Months Old
The Boy had his 6 month checkup on Tuesday and came in at 18 lbs 1 oz and 27 inches. He is in the 70th percentile for weight and height and the 80th percentile for his enormous melon. Since the 5 month update he has not slept through the night again. We are about to attempt to sleep train him this weekend, as we are tired. His rash waxes and wanes, and I think the itch makes it hard for him to stay asleep.
He’s started supplementing his milk diet with baby food. His favorites are carrots and sweet potatoes. He had green beans for the first time tonight and made terrible faces. He sits up now, and on at least one occasion has scooted across half the room on his butt when I turned away for a minute.
And you can’t see the little red polo guy on his shirt above, but we are totally wearing matching shirts.
5 Months Old
A selection of pictures taken this morning on his 5 month birthday.
In the past week he has had 3 visits to the pediatrician with a rash, then a cough and finally a fever. The rash is eczema/dermatitis and is waning with treatment, as is the cough. With the fever he got his first antibiotic, a nasty smelling pink liquid administered by syringe. He fought it for days, clamping his mouth shut and screaming, but this morning he looked at it and opened his mouth. He still hates it, but he decided to cooperate. I was ridiculously proud.
He wants to hold his own bottle but still isn’t very good at it, so you have to hold it down at the end where he can’t see you so he feels like he’s doing all the work. He also started throwing toys in the past week. He’ll move them from his left hand to his right hand, sizing up the weight and getting a good grip, then fling it. His record is about 5 feet.
He was sleeping though the night until about a week ago, but with his rash/congestion/fever it’s been a challenge. Hopefully he’ll get that back now that he is recovering, as we are both beat.
Picture Update
- Happy – 01/03
- Dinner with Tante Ilse – 01/03
- Charmer – 01/07
- Gnawing – 01/08
- Puppy – 01/08
- Holding his bottle – 01/11
- Holding his bottle – 01/11
- Holding his bottle – 01/11
- Nap Time with Mom – 01/18
- Goofy – 01/25
- Perfect Sleeping Chub – 01/26
- Perfect Sleeping Chub – 01/26
Tummy Time
4 Month Birthday
Nathan is 4 months old today. Here are some recent pics of him.
12/24 – At Home
- Nap Time with Mom
- Little Boy
12/25 – Christmas at the Norris House
- Hello Lion.
- I eat you.
- Hello Otter.
- I eat you.
- Hello Sophie the Giraffe.
- I eat you.