Well, relatively solid food. It’s a bit of rice cereal mixed in his milk.
December Picture Update
Here’s some pics we’ve taken since last month…
- Goofy Face – 12/09
- Handsome Pair – 12/13
- Sleepy Baby – 12/14
- Monkey Feet – 12/18
- Time for Shots – 12/20
- Time for Shots – 12/20
Happy Baby
- Happy
- Happier
Picture Update
Here’s an album of general pics to bring us up to date…
- Hanging Out – 11/01
- Cuban Cafe – 11/01
- Domain Apple Store – 11/04
- Hand Discovered – 11/06
- Visiting Nancy at Apple – 11/06
- Monkey Hat – 11/06
- Monkey Hat – 11/06
- Monkey Hat – 11/06
- Holding his bunny – 11/11
- Sleepy – 11/12
- Grumpy – 11/14
11 Weeks, 6 Days
I could have waited one more day and made it a post on his 12th week birthday, but one of the reasons there hasn’t been a post since 10/31 is that he is requiring more interaction to keep him happy, and as a result there is less time for things like this.
He’s still a happy baby:
He’s also gotten a little more vocal, as you can see in the following clip. The jingling you hear is me shaking a little bunny just over the frame.
Last of all, and most exciting, is that he has started interacting with things around him. In a couple of weeks he has discovered his hands and figured out how to use them to grab something and bring it to his mouth. He’s still a little uncoordinated, but it’s a pretty big step.
Halloween 2013
2 Months Old
Six years ago Elaine and I went to see The Police in Dallas. We had just decided to have a baby, and we were pretty sure it would happen soon. It took a little longer than we expected, but here we are.
Big Vaccine Day
Today Nathan had his first big round of vaccines. Mom had to work, so it was just me and the boy. He had 3 shots in his right thigh, 1 in his left and 1 liquid dropped in his mouth.
This is him just before all the shots:
During the shots he screamed. And screamed. And screamed. I didn’t take any pics because I was trying to comfort him. And about 10 minutes later he looked like this:
Totally passed out.
Week 2, Day 1…
…of Dad being home with The Boy.
After his outing on Saturday he’s been sleeping less during the day, with shorter naps that he resists. With just less than 8 weeks under his belt, it’s hard to tell when something new that he’s done for two days is the beginning of a trend or just a passing aberration in the data. If it sticks, here’s hoping that it’ll lead to longer periods of sleep at night.
He’s still a pretty calm baby most of the time. Today we listened to Bach’s Musical Offering, read some Benjamin Bunny and watched a couple of episodes of Breaking Bad. He really liked the Bach, somewhat liked the book and then got overstimulated by all of it and slept through the TV.
A few pictures of the day:
- Bach
- Book
- Breaking Bad
- Mother and Son – 10/16
- Hanging out with dad – 10/17
- Trying to touch the lion – 10/19
- At Rio Rita with Julie – 10/19
- At Rio Rita with Emilie – 10/19