Primary Day

Nate and his triceratops went to the polls with me today to vote in the 2016 presidential primary. I voted in the democratic primary between Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders. When we got home he reported that he had voted for Mommy.

Weekend Fun

On Saturday we went to the Texas Memorial Museum to look at dinosaur bones. Nate seemed right on the edge of fully appreciating them. One minute he’d be really excited and want to get in the display with the bones, the next he’d be just as excited about going up and down stairs.





After that we went to Emily Belflower’s 3rd birthday party at the Thinkery. We couldn’t stay too long, as it was scheduled doing his nap, but he got a cupcake…



Sunday was a lazy day, and he took a nap in the afternoon with his mom.


Now it’s Monday, and we’re back to trying to acclimate him to full time school. This is only his second week, and so far he is not a fan, crying and fighting drop off every morning. Hopefully it’ll pass as quickly as it did when he first started, or when he changed classes.

It’s ok…

Leaving school today, we saw a baby crying. I stopped and tried to soothe him by smiling, making sounds, etc. It did not work.

Nate: Daddy, that baby does not like you.
Me: He sure doesn’t.
Nate: It’s ok daddy, Nate loves you.

2016, Day 16.125: Three in the AM


Passed out

Little man has been sick. Nothing serious but it took a week, two doctor visits and a lot of missed sleep and work to get him back to his usual self. He’s been getting up at night to cough; the cough is gone but the habit of waking up for a drink and a story is sticking around. Just read him “piggies in pajamas” and explained that was our last night story for a while. Getting up with him is exhausting, but honestly night stories are pretty sweet.

2016, Day Four: First Day of School

Well, sorta. He’s been going Thursday-Friday up until now. Today he starts going 5 days a week. I expect there will be more to say about that towards the end of the week. He also ate, and enjoyed, broccoli at the dinner table for the first time.

He’s starting to refuse to do things and no amount of logic, bargaining or ordering will make him budge. Tonight he decided he was not going to take a bath, and that was it. Everything we tried just escalated the situation. We eventually acquiesced and he went without one, thought he promised to take one tomorrow. Hrm.

2016, Day Three: Smart and Clumsy


“I want that.”

“No, Daddy’s using this piece of paper to make a grocery list. See, I write down everything I want to buy so I don’t forget anything.”

Writes Dog Food on list.

“That says DOG.”



While I’m at the store, he’s in his crib our bed playing the game where he races a car or animal, in this case a chicken, around and around the rim at the top bed. Through some combination of running and jumping and being 2, he went over the top off the side and landed on the floor, on his forehead. EDIT: Apparently I got some of the facts wrong.

Elaine called the nurse line to be informed that, “Eh, kids fall on their heads. Don’t worry unless he starts to barf.” Which he didn’t. But he did look cute holding a colorful ice pack on his head.
